
பிறப்பு 27 FEB 1940
இறப்பு 09 MAY 2021
அமரர் தையல்நாயகி கந்தையா
வயது 81
அமரர் தையல்நாயகி கந்தையா 1940 - 2021 வதிரி, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Maniccam Yogendran 13 MAY 2021 United Kingdom

We were shocked to hear the death of Thaiyal Acca, and this being the second loss in Namasivayam uncle’s family in a short span of time. Our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathy to Thaiyal Acca’s family and relatives. In my childhood, whenever I visit Kalvaththai with my younger brother to celebrate our traditional festivals, we never failed to drop in at her place. When we visit her, she will receive us with happy smiling face and treat well. When we leave, she will give us handful of money and bags full of sweets with generosity. Like all of us, she also underwent up and downs in her life but she faced and succeeded them with lots courage and determination, a fine rare quality among us. Her loss has created a vacuum in her family and cannot be replaced by anyone but no doubt, she will live in our hearts for ever like a queen. We join with her family and pray for her soul to rest in peace.




மரண அறிவித்தல் Sun, 09 May, 2021
நன்றி நவிலல் Sun, 06 Jun, 2021