We are deeply saddened to hear Uma's passing away. Our heartfelt condolences , To Kumaran, Shantha, Kanchana, Easwarn, Siva, Gowri and Sorubi.
We are deeply saddened by the loss of our cousin Uma. Our heartfelt condolences to Kumaran, Shanthacca, Eswaran, Kanchana, Siva and their families. Om Shanthi! Shanthi!! Shanthi!!!
how can Be bear the pain of your great loss Uma. We were praying to God till the last minute. We can't imagin life without you Uma. You are a affectionate person. May your soul rest in peace. Yours...
We are deeply saddened to hear Uma's passing away. Our heartfelt condolences , To Kumaran, Shantha, Kanchana, Easwarn, Siva, Gowri and Sorubi.