
பிறப்பு 22 MAY 1948
இறப்பு 14 JUL 2021
அமரர் தம்பித்துரை தவராஜா
Mechanical Engineering Consultant (Oil & Gas) Norway, France, Monaco, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia
வயது 73
அமரர் தம்பித்துரை தவராஜா 1948 - 2021 மலேசியா, Malaysia Malaysia

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Selvarajasingam 28 JUL 2021 United Kingdom

Dear Lalitha and children Rogan, Anji, Bremi, It is very sad to realise that our Thavam is no longer with us. I never forget the days of laughter and his singing. The god has decided to release him from the dreadful decease he had for the last few years. He is such a nice man and always remembered. I pray for his soul to rest in peace. May the god give you courage to go on living without he is around. Selva, late Latha and Children
