
பிறப்பு 20 JAN 1946
இறப்பு 12 JAN 2022
அமரர் நாகலிங்கம் நாகராஜா 1946 - 2022 வடலியடைப்பு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
To my grandfather
Late Nagalingam Nagarajah
வடலியடைப்பு, Sri Lanka

I love you and will never forget you. You will look down at all your family in heaven. You’ve suffered enough and now you are in the arms of god. Nobody will forget your legacy that you left behind. The story from your past was amazing, worked hard for your loved ones and nows it’s our turn. We will never forget the happiness you brought into this world and will and forever stay in our hearts.

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