
பிறப்பு 04 FEB 1935
இறப்பு 14 JUL 2021
அமரர் குணவதிஅம்மாள் ரங்கநாதன்
வயது 86
அமரர் குணவதிஅம்மாள் ரங்கநாதன் 1935 - 2021 உரும்பிராய், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Your youngest brother, Jeyam (Jano Jeyaratnam) 17 JUL 2021 United Kingdom

My beautiful sister, I can’t believe you’re gone. You’ve always been there for me, looking after me as a little boy and then calling me to the UK when I was a young man where you helped me to create a new life. Thanks to you, many of us were able to come from Sri Lanka for a new life in the UK, and you opened your house and heart to everyone. Among all of us ten siblings, you and I were particularly close and I always did my best to keep you entertained - at least you found my jokes funny if no one else does! I was so honoured to be chosen as the best man at your wedding and the ring I received will always be treasured. Now that you’ve joined your husband on the other side, we hope that you’re happy together once more, but I will miss you so much.