
பிறப்பு 08 APR 1950
இறப்பு 25 JAN 2025
திரு பாலசிங்கம் முருகதாஸ்
(ஊரிக்காடு கல்யானி கார் உரிமையாளர் முருகன்)
வயது 74
திரு பாலசிங்கம் முருகதாஸ் 1950 - 2025 வல்வெட்டித்துறை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Our Deepest Sympathies
Mr Balasingam Murugathas
1950 - 2025

To Kala and family members I am deeply saddened by the loss of my step brother B Murugathas. My deepest sympathies to you Kala and other family members. I know that it is hard to bear right now but remember that death is only the end of a physical body and the beginning of a new life. In other words, death is the transfer of subtle body from one gross body to another gross body. May your beloved husband be blessed with life on highest planes, where he may further steer his way to moksha. May my prayers serve as comfort to you and your loved ones. yours sincerely S BHASKARADAS

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