
பிறப்பு 23 OCT 1958
இறப்பு 22 JUL 2024
திருமதி இரட்ணராணி கிருஸ்ணராஜா
வயது 65
திருமதி இரட்ணராணி கிருஸ்ணராஜா 1958 - 2024 உடுவில், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Mrs Ratnarani Krishnarajah
உடுவில், Sri Lanka

Dear Sitthi, I hope this letter finds its way to you in the peace and tranquility of your eternal rest. When I first arrived in the UK, I was uncertain about my future and my place in this new world. It was your unwavering encouragement and belief in me that guided my path. You saw potential in me that I had yet to recognize, and you urged me to become a Physics tutor. I will never forget how you entrusted me with the education of your wonderful children, Tharmini and Prashanthan. Teaching them was not just a job; it was a pivotal journey that shaped my career and my life. Through your encouragement and support, I was able to see beyond my immediate challenges and strive for excellence. Your faith in my abilities gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams. Because of you, I taught your children up to their GCSEs and continued to develop my skills and knowledge. It was with immense pride that I qualified as a Physics teacher. The pinnacle of my career thus far has been winning the UK Nationwide and Regional Winner of Best Teacher Award in Post-16 STEM in 2022. I owe this incredible achievement to you, Sitthi. You were the main source of my encouragement and the driving force behind my determination to succeed. You have done so much for everyone around you, always putting others before yourself. Now, it is your time to rest. Rest in peace, dear Sitthi. Your legacy of kindness, support, and belief in others will continue to live on in all of us whose lives you touched. With heartfelt gratitude and remembrance, Armani and family

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