There aren’t enough words to express the kind of person you were Niranjan Anna. You were a compassionate cousin, cheerful friend, faithful husband, and a devoted loving father who went above and beyond to fulfill your children’s every need and want. You were a pillar of support to those that needed an ear to listen to and a shoulder to cry and lean on. You were loved by all that knew you. You were a very charismatic and charming person. Your voice was sharp at the same time calm and gentle. You always put others needs ahead of yours and tried to be helpful as much as you could be. You loved life and enjoyed it every minute-whether it was your passion for food and cooking, having daily meets with your friends or a phone call to your family members to say hello. You exuded confidence and charm like no other I knew. We have had our differences and maybe a rough word or two but you never shut anyone out or put anyone down- you as always continued what you do-living life on your terms and looked at life with so much hope and positivity . I truly miss you and will remember you forever for your passion for life and celebrate your life -as I’m sure that’s what you would have desired. Love you and Thank you.
I can’t believe it’s been a year since you passed on to be with our Lord! Niranjan Anna, I miss you dearly and I treasure our time spent together, our conversations-even the heated ones! You are...