
பிறப்பு 07 FEB 1969
இறப்பு 26 OCT 2021
அமரர் நிரஞ்சன் சிங்கராஜா
Royal Bank of Canada
வயது 52
அமரர் நிரஞ்சன் சிங்கராஜா 1969 - 2021 யாழ்ப்பாணம், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Pritty 28 OCT 2022 Canada

Niranjan Anna, even though your physical presence is no more, I know that you will always be with all of us through your wife and children, your good deeds and the countless people you have helped. You are always missed and thought of fondly for your kindness, fun loving spirit and simply for the wonderful human being you were. God took you away too soon and for the short time you were on earth, your positive impact in the lives you touched is immeasurable and we are all grateful to have known a person like you and I especially was proud to call you “Anna!” Until we meet again, Rest In Peace Forever missed…… Pritty



மரண அறிவித்தல் Thu, 28 Oct, 2021
நன்றி நவிலல் Thu, 25 Nov, 2021