
பிறப்பு 31 MAR 1943
இறப்பு 23 JUN 2020
அமரர் கந்தையா அல்பேட் சீவரெத்தினம் (அல்பேட்)
Civil Engineer- Irrigation Department Sri Lanka, Ceylon Petroliam Corporation – Batticaloa Sri Lanka, Redd Barna– Norwegian Charity Organisation, Member- District Development Council(DDC)– Batticaloa Sri Lanka, Project Manager– Papua New Guinea, Administrator - S M Rasamanickam Foundation– Kaluwanchikudy Sri Lanka.
வயது 77
அமரர் கந்தையா அல்பேட் சீவரெத்தினம் 1943 - 2020 களுவாஞ்சிக்குடி, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Our Deepest Sympathies
Late Kandiah Albert Seevaratnam
1943 - 2020

Our Deepest Sympathies You are truly a rough cut diamond, wonderful person and I am happy to call you Mamaa. Thank you for all what you've done for me. Thank you for the thoughts you put into my heart. Thank you for the viber messages. Thank you for being the initiator of my passion. Till we meet .... Love, Clement Rajamohan. ----------------------------------- Deepest Sympathies and our condolences for Maami, children, their family and relatives. Nirmala, Mohan, Philip, Clement, Lifniya & Roshel

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