
பிறப்பு 16 APR 1947
இறப்பு 24 JUN 2021
அமரர் கனகரட்ணம் ரட்ணமகேசன்
வயது 74
அமரர் கனகரட்ணம் ரட்ணமகேசன் 1947 - 2021 கொக்குவில், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Premalatha Sabesan 29 JUN 2021 Canada

We are heartbroken to hear about the loss of our dearest Thevan Mama. We miss our Mama who we all all love so much. His love towards us and the phone call will be dearly missed. Rest in peace our dearest Thevan Mama.The ones we love are never gone, they live within our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with Mami, Jalanan, Jayany and Jalaruban. May God give you strength to go through this difficult time.
