Dear Mommy ?, I wouldn’t ask for anything more, as you are the best & dearest mommy I could ever have had ❤️. You delight in my success and pride at my achievements. I always look up to you for the greater qualities you own. The bravest woman, prayer warrior, great leader, encourager, motivator, overflowing kindness, maintaining relationships/friendships, caring & respecting people, generous giving, devoted, dedicated and an inspiring role model. You attract people around you by your genuine love ❤️ & blessing heart. The smile on your face never vanish from our eyes. I’m truly blessed to be your daughter ?. Daddy & I are privileged to live with you & to have you in our lives. There are no words of the sacrifices you made for the family. No one could live in the way you lived ??. You were my pillar of support & advice ?when I need you. You are the perfect example for an affectionate mother ?. Mommy, I will be tremendously pleased if I possess at least half of the qualities you owned?. I’m assured that you are in heaven with our Lord Jesus ? as you lived an exemplary life in this world ?. I love you so much ❤️?
Rest in peace. will always be in our heart.