
பிறப்பு 10 AUG 1950
இறப்பு 27 FEB 2024
அமரர் தேவமலர் அருளானந்தம்
ஓய்வு பெற்ற அதிபர் (தாதியர் பாடசாலை யாழ்ப்பாணம், மட்டக்களப்பு)சிரேஷ்ட விரிவுரையாளர் (ஆசிரி வைத்தியசாலை கொழும்பு)
வயது 73
அமரர் தேவமலர் அருளானந்தம் 1950 - 2024 ஆனைக்கோட்டை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Dr Breman Veerasingam 28 FEB 2025 Sri Lanka

We have always enjoyed the precious friendship that our families shared, and the anchor that held our friendship was Aunty. Aunty was a concerned and compassionate person, extending the warmth of love to everyone, and inquired about the wellbeing of all of us whenever we had a chance to catch up on each other's. She was self-disciplined and carried forward all the tradition and values she had learned as a child. We loved her and was in regular touch until her last days. We pray that she will be in the everlasting love of God and bless her with the eternal life in His presence. Praying for Uncle and Jeane Acca's family. May God's comfort be amongst them.