
தோற்றம் 16 SEP 1960
மறைவு 28 MAY 2024
திரு சுப்பிரமணியம் சிவஞானசெல்வம் (செல்வம்)
வயது 63
திரு சுப்பிரமணியம் சிவஞானசெல்வம் 1960 - 2024 குப்பிளான், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Ever Loving Friend And Brother Rohan ,Navathan, Charles and Tharmabala. 30 MAY 2024 New Zealand

We can not believe this Our teenage age friend is no more . Our heart is aching as We are still coming to terms with your loss. You were with us on the phone for hours on the 23rd and never thought for minute it will be last time will hear your voice. your good bye that day when you kept the phone , did you mean the last time you speak to us? Be With our Other Good Friend Ananthan Until We meet you. Another ROSE in God's Garden. In Tears And Deep Heart , will meet you soon.
