Please,don't think my Eldest sister as gone away ,Her Journey's just began and she will be with us rest of our life. She was our eldest sister, but she took all responcilities as our Mother, Sister and Guide to our past,present and future life as we learned to live with love and caring each other. She was the leader of our family with a lion's heart and as Queen to all of us as same as her name,she was a role modal for all of us. It is very sad to see her passed away from us,she had still lived a wonderfull life, filled with amazing Hasband ,loving childrens and family frinds. As we lost her as we lost Kanti akka with her hasband and Shan anna in the past very rabidly this year, it will be a vey sad year for all of our family and very hard to recover. I just think of her as resting from sarrows and tears in a place of warmth and comfort as i saw her in the hospital, i am very sad to saw her childrens around her's hospital bed every day and night with hope of her full recovery to bring her home and taking care of their mother, but she paased away from all of us . Don't worry akka, soon or later we will join you wherever you spirit will remain in all of our heart forever. All of us think of her as living in the heart of those she touched and her love is never ever lost from us.
அன்னாரை இழந்து தவிக்கும் அவரது குடும்பத்தினருக்கும் உறவினருக்கும் எனது ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபத்தை தெரிவித்து கொள்கிறேன்!!!