I came to know Gopi, when he was introduced to me by his affectionate uncle Mr. Siva Kanapathipillai, about two decades back. When I could recollect, Gopi had been an incredible nephew of Siva and he was always at his beck and call, whenever, he was needed. I knew about this because I used to share an office along with Siva for some time. Gopi lost his father when he was a toddler and I heard, he was only 2 years old. I hear, Gopi had been an above average student during his school days, even without his father but his beloved mother looked after him along with the dear help from her family including her brothers, one of them is my good friend Siva. This loss of Gopi is irreplaceable for all of them and I am praying for Peace to his departed Soul and Strength to his family to bear the same. Saying of Thiruvalluvar, Couplet # 1204: He Gopi is always in my (SIVA's) mind; is SIVA likewise in his Gopi's?