
பிறப்பு 14 JAN 1928
இறப்பு 01 JUN 2024
திரு கதிர் பாலசுந்தரம்
யாழ் தெல்லிப்பழை யூனியன் கல்லூரியின் பொற்கால ஓய்வுநிலை அதிபர், ஆங்கில ஆசிரியர், எழுத்தாளர், சமூக ஆர்வலர், இலக்கியவாளர்
வயது 96
திரு கதிர் பாலசுந்தரம் 1928 - 2024 ஆவரங்கால், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Raaji 06 JUN 2024 Canada

I am still in disbelief that you are no more with us Sir. I am writing this in English as a tribute to you Sir. You made learning English language easy. Not only you taught the language but also confidently use it. I still remember coming to the classes in the morning. I remember you taught us grammer, writing essays and movie reviews. I remember we wrote about 'Moondru Mudichhu' (மூன்று முடிச்சு). I still remember how you made us to say the story in english. When I hear the word 'Principal', always two great principals come to my mind. One is Mr. I. P Thurairatnam and then You. I am so lucky to know you and was able to learn many things from you. I want to mention your dedication, guidance and selfless service and positive attitude towards teaching and students. You made a difference in many students life. I still remember how you walk around school and made sure everything in place. You are a man of integrity. Every time I meet you, there was always something about Union College even after years of retirement. You have ideas to improve education, sports and administration. I was fortunate enough that after we left our country, we met again in Brunei then in Canada. You always gave me importance and made me feel that I am capable of anything. You trust me for proof reading your work and I am one of the luckiest person to get admired by you and this means a lot Sir. I admire how you write essays, short stories and poems. How cool you were to be active in social media, communicated through e-mail until you were admitted to the hospital? We always share the laugh about your cricket craziness and how involved you were with the league matches. It made me happy that you were able recognize me and say my name until you left us. I will miss coming to sing happy birthday to you and take pictures on your birthday Sir. Never thought that 2024 birthday was the last one. Good bye Sir, until we meet again.