
பிறப்பு 18 MAY 1942
இறப்பு 07 SEP 2021
அமரர் சதானந்தன் அரியகுட்டி
Bank Executive at Saudi British Bank, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Bank of Ceylon, Colombo
வயது 79
அமரர் சதானந்தன் அரியகுட்டி 1942 - 2021 வண்ணார்பண்ணை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Navaratnam, Colombo 13 SEP 2021 Sri Lanka

Good bye dear Sada and pray that you will be blessed eternal peace. We have been together at the Bank of Ceylon and thereafter as an apartment mate, colleague at Saudi British Bank. You had been very soft and kind in all matters. Though your sickness kept us apart but when ever I meet ex- SABB friends in Colombo we always talk about you. You had been a strong tower to Mani and the two daughters. They will miss your early presence very much. RIP Nava