
பிறப்பு 18 MAY 1942
இறப்பு 07 SEP 2021
அமரர் சதானந்தன் அரியகுட்டி
Bank Executive at Saudi British Bank, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Bank of Ceylon, Colombo
வயது 79
அமரர் சதானந்தன் அரியகுட்டி 1942 - 2021 வண்ணார்பண்ணை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Nada and Mahes 12 SEP 2021 United States

Does friend Sadha’s sweet smile and gentle manners in dealing with everyone can never be forgotten. Sadha was a well respected executive at the SABB Bank in Riyadh . He has been very frank, as it was his nature, whenever I was assigned to audit his department and he never attempted cover up any shortcoming which exposed his true and honest nature. Pleasant memories of my association with him will always remain evergreen and my sincere prayers for the departed Atma to be in the safe hands of the Almighty. Nada