
Born 15 DEC 1924
Rest 28 DEC 2021
Late Sharada Suyamasothi Sandrapragas
Formerly Controller of Exchange at The Central Bank of Ceylon and Teacher & Lecturer at the Brent Language Service and Westminster Institute
Age 97
Late Sharada Suyamasothi Sandrapragas 1924 - 2021 Jaffna, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka


Pararaja Naresha Duraiswamy 12 AUG 2022 United States

Aunt Sharada was a vibrant lady who lived life to the fullest. She had style and sparkle. She was ahead of her times, marrying across religion in colonial Ceylon while staying true to her Hindu core. She had witnessed so much of world and Ceylonese history in her 97 years. My father, her first cousin, had a soft corner for her. I too enjoyed the many conversations I had with her. My mother and I send Prince, Sundari and you our prayers. We take comfort that Aunt Sharada had a life full of zest and enthusiasm. May the Siddhas guide Aunt Sharada on her onward journey. May she attain Moksha. சாரதா அத்தையின் பயணத்தில் சித்தர்கள் வழிகாட்டட்டும். அவர் மோட்சத்தை அடையட்டும்.