I heard a sad news that my brother-in-low Mr Veluppillai Rasiah passed away while he was surrounded by his wife and children. Although he is my brother-in-low he treated my wife and myself as his own children. He used to give me fatherly advice. When ever I came on holidays from Zambia,though he was working in Colombo,he would be in Jaffna to welcome us with a smiling face. In this context I must also mention about my Sister-in-law Mrs. Yogeswary Rasiah who is the sister of my wife Vignes. Yoges treated Vignes as her eldest daughter. Those were happiest days .While they were in Melbourne I visited them and stayed there with them for two or three weeks. I observed how they passed remarks about each other and still lived very happily. I knew that they passed comments on each other to keep myself without being bored. To cut the long story short they lived a very happy life. Who ever who has born in this world has to pass away one day. So my Sister-in-low Yoges and Children should have the strength to bear the sorrowful moment and give him a beautiful send off though we all will miss him dearly. Om shanthy! Shanthy ! Shanthy.
Dear Yoges Acca and children Very sorry to hear the sad news, accept our sincere heartfelt condolences , fondly remembering our dear Rasaiah uncle From, Yaso Paramsothy and daughters Canada