
தோற்றம் 25 OCT 1964
மறைவு 06 APR 2023
அமரர் வக்சலா சந்தணராஜா 1964 - 2023 தெல்லிப்பழை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Late Vakshala Sandanarajah
1964 - 2023

Dear Amma It is so hard to express how much I’m going to miss you. You have been my biggest supporter, always encouraging me to better myself. I always came to you for advice and you would always give me such reassurance. I will never forget that infectious smile which brings so much light to my heart every time I saw it. You were so kind, caring and nurturing as a mother and I couldn’t have asked for any more. You were always so selfless, putting our needs in front of your own. It is not fair that all these complications hit you, you did not deserve it. I hope you can be at peace now. Please know we will be okay in time, you raised me and Shamini really strong, almost as strong as you were. Thank you for continuing to smile and fight till the very end and staying positive throughout, that energy will be what we continue to ensure lives on in us. I love you so much xxx

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