
பிறப்பு 08 OCT 1928
இறப்பு 13 OCT 2020
அமரர் தனபாலசிங்கம் புத்திரசிங்கம்
Retired Teacher in SriLanka, Lecturer in Education in Nigeria and author of a Textbook of Biology
வயது 92
அமரர் தனபாலசிங்கம் புத்திரசிங்கம் 1928 - 2020 மலேசியா, Malaysia Malaysia
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Rest in Peace
Late Thanapalasingam Puthirasingam
1928 - 2020

I came across Mr. Puthirasingham in Nigeria in the early 80s when he was teaching in a Teachers Training School in the capital of Sohoto State in Northern Nigeria. I first met him in his nephew's (a fellow Engineer) place and became friendly with him. He was such a kind hearted, very knowledgeable and humble person. Although he was very much older than me, we became close friends and the friendship between us continued even after we returned to the UK in 1984. Only about 3 years or so ago I organised, at my place in Croydon, a get-together for some of Mr. Puthirasingham's friends (Tamil) who worked as expatriate teachers in Nigeria. Although his memory was slightly fading he was jovial as usual and was in good spirit. He thoroughly enjoyed the reunion. I have visited him at home in Watford a few times and am really saddened to hear of his loss. I have lost a longstanding friend and a mentor. May his soul rest in internal Peace. Santi Varithamby Santhalingam

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