
பிறப்பு 08 OCT 1928
இறப்பு 13 OCT 2020
அமரர் தனபாலசிங்கம் புத்திரசிங்கம்
Retired Teacher in SriLanka, Lecturer in Education in Nigeria and author of a Textbook of Biology
வயது 92
அமரர் தனபாலசிங்கம் புத்திரசிங்கம் 1928 - 2020 மலேசியா, Malaysia Malaysia
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Rest in Peace
Late Thanapalasingam Puthirasingam
1928 - 2020

I was so lucky to meet him in London few times after I left school in 1969. Though I was not studied under him, as I was a maths student, I know him very well. He was an example of a dedicated teacher. Please receive my sorrows and sympathies. It is hard to believe that he is no more with us. But his memory lives within me, forever in my heart.

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