
பிறப்பு 25 JAN 1946
இறப்பு 21 JUN 2024
திரு தம்பையா சிவசத்யசீலன்
வயது 78
திரு தம்பையா சிவசத்யசீலன் 1946 - 2024 Penang, Malaysia Malaysia
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
ஓம் நமசிவாய The first thing that comes to mind is your ever smiling face. Your soft spoken manner and always willing to help nature are your endearing character. I fondly recall on many occasions you had helped in bringing senior folks to the monthly tea parties (Age-Link) held at different venues. It was indeed a honour to have known you and fortunate to have spent many Sunday mornings with you when our children were teenages. Our thoughts are with you and your family. We pray that your next journey be without obstacles. சிவாய நம ஓம்
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