
பிறப்பு 25 JAN 1946
இறப்பு 21 JUN 2024
திரு தம்பையா சிவசத்யசீலன்
வயது 78
திரு தம்பையா சிவசத்யசீலன் 1946 - 2024 Penang, Malaysia Malaysia

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Puvanachandra family 27 JUN 2024 United Kingdom

Dear Vathsala,Durga ,Harri and all the family, please accept our deepest sympathies and heart felt condolences on your loss.Sathy was a good and caring member of the wider family, a committed Sai devotee who served the community with sincere dedication.A widely read individual with interest in a variety of topics .A good cricketer and a devoted family man.Sathy will be sadly missed by all .Sathy left us all rather unexpectedly to become part of the absolute consciousness