
பிறப்பு 22 SEP 1919
இறப்பு 28 AUG 2021
திருமதி செல்வநாயகி கனகசபை (தையல் அக்கா)
வயது 101
திருமதி செல்வநாயகி கனகசபை 1919 - 2021 கோப்பாய், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Veluppillai Sithamparapillai, Sangathanai, Chavakacheri- Currently in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 16 SEP 2021 Canada

We are deeply saddened to see the passing away of a childhood's friend's mother. Deva Caanthan joined my class in Grade-5 in 1952 and we continued to be classmates until 1957 at Chava Hindu. I remember their daily long trips from Sarasalai, with their big lunch bags packed by their mother. We had great dedicated teachers who imparted their knowledge which has helped us in our long journey into our later life. We like to share our condolences with Dr. Caanthan and rest of Kanagasabai's family from Sarasalai. Sithamparapillai Family-Sangathanai, Chavakacheri. [Vancouver,BC, Canada].