
பிறப்பு 09 JUL 1936
இறப்பு 14 APR 2023
அமரர் செகராஜசேகரம் பரமேஸ்வரி
வயது 86
அமரர் செகராஜசேகரம் பரமேஸ்வரி 1936 - 2023 அச்சுவேலி, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Our dearest Grandma, We miss you with every passing day. Thank you for bringing us into the world by raising our mom and her two younger sisters (our aunts). From the few times we got to spend time together, we created memories of a lifetime. We loved how fun and silly we could be with you. From our jokes with our limited Tamil language, to our conversations over the phone about Tamil serials, and small talk about our day, these will be cherished. You were the one elder we enjoyed talking to on the phone. Until we meet again. Grandma, we love you.
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மரண அறிவித்தல் Sat, 15 Apr, 2023
நன்றி நவிலல் Sat, 13 May, 2023