
தோற்றம் 06 JAN 1932
மறைவு 06 JUN 2024
திரு சீனியப்பா நரேந்திரநாதன்
Retired Accountant - Sri Lanka, Zambia, South Africa
வயது 92
திரு சீனியப்பா நரேந்திரநாதன் 1932 - 2024 Penang, Malaysia Malaysia

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி 13 JUN 2024 Australia

Dear Narendranathan family, we remember Appa very well when we were in Lusaka and we saw how he cared for the family. We tried and failed to get Gowry and sister to participate in a dance/drama for Zambia Tamil Arts and Cultural Association in 1983. He was respected and soft spoken person. We share your loss and ask the great nature to give you strength to overcome Appa's loss. May his great values continue. Kind Regards V Sugumar family