
பிறப்பு 14 MAR 1967
இறப்பு 23 SEP 2022
அமரர் இரவீந்திரன் ஜெயரஞ்சனா (சிந்து)
Holland Raga Music Singer
வயது 55
அமரர் இரவீந்திரன் ஜெயரஞ்சனா 1967 - 2022 அராலி தெற்கு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Vasudevan 25 SEP 2022 Netherlands

Dearest Aunty! You were a gentle soul who took care of everyone around you. Even during the tough times, you fought through with a lot of grace. You enthralled audiences with your music. You will always live inside of us. Rest in peace! Om Shanthi Heartfelt Condolences,
