
பிறப்பு 30 APR 1953
இறப்பு 05 DEC 2019
அமரர் ஜெயரட்ணம் இராஜரட்ணம் (ஜெயா)
வயது 66
அமரர் ஜெயரட்ணம் இராஜரட்ணம் 1953 - 2019 சங்கானை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Shanthi Canagasabey (sister in law) & family 10 DEC 2019 Canada

This seems unfair but one thing I know that Jeya anna is in a place where there is no pain nor tears. He always wanted the best for his family. He showed his genuine love to whoever came across his way. Jayantha, the children and myself, we got to know him and grew very close to Jeya anna in the past few years. It hurts to know that he is not there anymore to talk and pray with him in this world but we have a greater hope that we will meet him again someday. Ranji acca, Carolina, Sonia, Godfrey and Subi, please accept our deepest sympathies. May Jeya anna's wonderful soul Rest In Peace.