
பிறப்பு 20 JAN 1972
இறப்பு 19 MAY 2024
திரு ராகுலன் ரட்ணராஜா 1972 - 2024 தெல்லிப்பழை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Mansee, Sri & Anika 24 MAY 2024 India

Deeply saddened by Ragu's passing. As they say, the moments you spend with a person matter the most. Anika, Mansee, and Sri spent only a few moments with him, but Ragu made sure they were fun and memorable. I remember one particular moment when we briefly spoke about life philosophy, and he said, "Sri, nothing matters more than family, health, peace, and happiness." I'm truly grateful for those words and will remember them lifelong. Thank you, Ragu, for opening the doors of your home and heart. Rest in peace, brother.