
பிறப்பு 11 MAR 1931
இறப்பு 04 JUN 2020
அமரர் நகுலேஸ்வரி சாம்பசிவம்
வயது 89
அமரர் நகுலேஸ்வரி சாம்பசிவம் 1931 - 2020 கரம்பொன் மேற்கு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
To all the sons, daughters and grandchildren of the late Naguleswary, It was a great pleasure getting to know her and it was an honour to listen to her spiritual stories! It was very sad to hear of the loss of your mother and grandmother, especially during the pandemic where no one could go to see her. Our deepest sympathies! Our prayers are with you at this time! ??
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