
Late மேரி அந்தோனியா சேவியர் ஆசிரியை, Canada TD Bank, டொமீனியன் வங்கி பணிப்பாளர் வயது 84 பிறப்பு : 06 JUN 1935 - இறப்பு : 28 FEB 2020
Late மேரி அந்தோனியா சேவியர் 1935 - 2020 மாவிட்டபுரம், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

36,Chetty street, Puttalam. Sri Lanka 12 MAR 2020 Sri Lanka

Dear friends and to family of late Antonia Xavier We don’t know what to say except that we love you. Only one thing God assures you that ‘May God of Sovereign named Jehovah sustain you at this time of such great loss” God named Jehovah does and will keep raising you all up. “may you find comfort in knowing that your dear one is safe in the memory of God, who will remember every detail about her and bring her back again.’’ What do you all think about Jesus Christ Words John 5: 21,28. about the resurrection. Jesus performed and confirmed the resurrection. Only we believe God of Jehovah and information you visit website . The information shared with you above is the Word of God . Thousands of my friends are believing the said word of God. They are also joining with me pay tribute to late Mrs. Mary Antonia Xavier Thanks Xavier Joseph