
பிறப்பு 20 AUG 1946
இறப்பு 28 DEC 2023
திரு கந்தையா ஆலாலசுந்தரம் (ஆலால்)
Junior Technical Officer (JTO), University of Moratuwa, Katubedda, 1966 Irrigation Training Institute at Galgamuwa, 1967/1968 Batch Technical Assistant - Irrigation Department of Sri Lanka
வயது 77
திரு கந்தையா ஆலாலசுந்தரம் 1946 - 2023 அரியாலை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Son of Engineer Sanmugam from Vaddukoddai. 31 DEC 2023 Norway

Our dear Alal uncle, You have been a faithful friend of my Appa for a long time. You came from Mannar to our home in Vaddukkoddai to save our whole family from a serious danger . You travelled through a dark night by your favourate motor cycle. you waked up all of us at early morning 04:30 a.m. Because of you I am in Norway now, you are the person who gave the addresses of Norwegian high schools. Even after you moved to Canada , you maintained your contact with our family. You were very honourable gentleman when you gave back our appas part of the land in Vanni. You are a very good example for how a humen being should be. May your soul Rest in Peace. Shankar, Son of past Irrigation Engineer Sanmugam Vaddukoddai.



மரண அறிவித்தல் Sat, 30 Dec, 2023