
1st Year Remembrance
Born 18 SEP 1970
Rest 01 SEP 2019
Late Joseline Patric (Nivani)
Age 48
Late Joseline Patric 1970 - 2019 Jaffna, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
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In Loving Memory of Joseline Patric's 1st Year Remembrance. She was Born in Karampon and Lived in France.


It has been a year since our Nivani has passed away. It stills feels like yesterday. Till this day, I cannot comprehend the fact that you are gone. I still think of you all the time. You were more than a sister to me, you were my best friend. Since a young age I have always adored you, from your talent on the piano to your compassion as an older sister. Now that you are gone, each moment we had has become more special. Your wedding day, you helping me during my O level exams to the last memory we had at your daughter’s communion. You invited me with open arms. I wouldn’t travel on my own on the Paris underground, but being a wonderful sister, you bought me a ticket and took me to the Eurostar. That memory will always be in my mind. I know that you are always by my side. I hope you knew how much you meant to me. Of all the many blessings I have received, to have had you as a sister was the greatest one of all. The family chain has broken now and nothing seems the same but as God takes us one by one. We will meet again and the bond we share will be whole again. May your soul rest peace! 

In loving memory on your 1st anniversary.
The day you left and gained your wings. My heart broke in two. I wish you could have stayed with us but heaven needed you more.
It's hard to believe you are no longer here but living life without you is so very hard to bear.
I miss our little chats, the way you 'd listen to me moan and how you'd always cheer me up when you would phone.
My only regret is that If I had known that the last time I saw you would be the last time,I would have held you a little tighter, told you l loved you a little louder and stayed by your side a little longer.
My mind knows that you are gone but my heart will never accept it.
I know we will meet again
In another life elsewhere
And those very special times, we once again will share.
May our dearest Nivani' s soul Rest In Peace.

Jesus said:
“I am the resurrection.
Anyone who believes in me, even
though that person dies, will live
”John 11:25

God looked around his garden
And found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth,
And saw your tired face.

He put His arms around you
And lifted you to rest.
God’s garden must be beautiful,
He always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering,
He knew that you were in pain.
He knew that you would never
get well on earth again.

He saw the road was getting rough
And the hills were hard to climb.
So He closed your weary eyelids
And whispered “Peace be thine.”
Cherished forever in our hearts
Larissa, Léa & Patrick

Beautiful words Very correct God wanted our dearest Niwani back to make Him happy. He created an angel and gave her to us for a short time to enjoy and experience pure love innocence kindness tenderness gentle behaviour tolerance patience responsibility silence and so on She was a beautiful packagewuth all divine virtues. We miss you Niwani the saintly daughter sister wife mother friend aunt niece teacher neighbour well wisher console comforter ....God gave us this pure, golden hearted lovable precious treasure who melted everyone’s heart by her tender personality. She was too good to live here as she deserves heaven and to be in the direct protection of God. The sss as into are delighted to have her. The departed loved ones are pleased that she will intercede for them. Dear God thank you for giving us this adorable child of yours for this world even for a short time to understand your marvelous creation and praise your generosity to allow us to share our lives with Nuwani for dome time. please convey our love to her and take care of her. Niwani please pray for us until we meet you again...

Informed by: Family


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Obituary Mon, 16 Sep, 2019
Thankyou Message Mon, 30 Sep, 2019
3rd Year Remembrance Wed, 31 Aug, 2022
5th Year Remembrance Sat, 31 Aug, 2024