
மண்ணில் 30 JUL 1944
விண்ணில் 21 JAN 2022
அமரர் ஜெகசோதிமலர் சடாட்சரம் (சோதி)
வயது 77
அமரர் ஜெகசோதிமலர் சடாட்சரம் 1944 - 2022 உரும்பிராய், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Sadadcharam perepullai Anninthika and Sujen 25 JAN 2022 Canada

Ammama was my sweet, loving grandmother who’s love could transcend the ocean without delay. She is our light and strength through the happiest moments of our life and the rock that held our hearts together when we needed some strength. She is so sincerely missed every single moment of the day but we carry her incredible spirit for family and life. She taught us endless, priceless life lessons that guide us each and every day. She was a force that most certainly moved people, countries and life itself with her unfaltering strength. We will never forget the protection she had for us in every decision she made and every interaction she had with us, big or small. We love her with every ounce of our being and she will be honored each and every day through every single one of us.