
பிறப்பு 12 MAR 1964
இறப்பு 26 APR 2021
அமரர் இன்பகீதம் செல்லம்
வயது 57
அமரர் இன்பகீதம் செல்லம் 1964 - 2021 தொண்டைமானாறு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Daniel.Ravindran, Canada. 05 MAY 2021 Canada

We are missing a Great Loving friend and a awesome young humble man. we Know him over 15 years. He did all things with a compassion and love. His life was a great testimony for rest of the Christians and others. Praying for his family. May God's peace to be with them and guide them.