
பிறப்பு 08 AUG 1945
இறப்பு 13 MAY 2021
அமரர் புவனராணி குலசிங்கம் (ராணி)
Worked at Colombo Police Commissioners office & Canada Employment and Immigration
வயது 75
அமரர் புவனராணி குலசிங்கம் 1945 - 2021 Chavakacheri, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Veluppillai Sithamparapillai and Ranji. Vancouver, BC, Canada. 15 MAY 2021 Canada

We are deeply saddened and are in grief after we were informed that Ranaee passed away. We grew up as neighbors across a cadjan fence, -the childhood fun- constantly hearing daily the parental noise, yelling and calling of the children. It was the unassuming 1950s. Then everyone went their own ways scattered all over the world. Many years later we met her a few times in Canada. It is the story of many of us when our traditional home and life got distrupted. Yet we are able to connect with each other and continue our traditions and share our grief in a faraway land. We wish Ranee a sad farewell and bless her soul to "Rest-in-Peace". Again we extend our deep condolences to the rest of Ranee's Family. : Veluppillai Sithamparapillai and the Family- childhood neighbours at Sangathanai.