
மண்ணில் 07 SEP 1936
விண்ணில் 29 JAN 2021
அமரர் பாலசிங்கம் செல்லப்பா
Studied At St Patricks College Jaffna, Worked at Aramco- Saudi Arabia, Petroleum Refinery, Air Force
வயது 84
அமரர் பாலசிங்கம் செல்லப்பா 1936 - 2021 மலேசியா, Malaysia Malaysia
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Rest in Peace
Late Balasingham Chellappah
1936 - 2021

My deepest sympathies and assurances of prayers to his beloved wife, children and grand-children. Endearingly called Bala by his friends, was my neighbour at Thirunelvely for several years when I was living at 10, Sivan Kovil Veethi in Tirunelveli. Those were extremely challenging years as the internecine civil war was raging with frequent aerial bombing. Bala was a strong pillar of strength to many of us his neighbours. I have known him as a good friend who is very hospitable and he really loved nature, especially his pet dogs and his garden lined with all kinds of leafy veggie plants as பொன்னாவரசு, அகத்தி, முருங்கை, குறிஞ்சா, சண்டி இலை, வாழை, and rare types of colourful crotons and flower plants. He wouldn't have his meals without first watering the plants and providing food for his pets. Many of us who were teaching at the University of Jaffna in the 1990s never miss seeing him standing near his gate along Pallay Road close to Parameswara Junction and greeting us and others passing by both in the morning and early evening. Good Bye, Bala, you are sadly missed by your friends in Tirunelveli . May God our Creator grant you the fullness of Peace and Eternal Rest.

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