எமது் ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள்
If one day you will want to see Dr Ragu Anns again, do not look anywhere because you will never find him. If one day you will miss him, search in your heart, there you can feel him, be with him and...
I spent some 5 five days with him in Bandarawelea. This was where i could see his kindness and dedication.It is a bog loss to our community. May his soul rest in peace.
ஆழ்ந்த அனுதாபங்கள் அன்னாரின் ஆத்மா சாந்தி அடைய இறைவனை வேண்டுகின்றோம். ஓம்சாந்தி ஓம்சாந்தி ஓம்சாந்தி
Greatest loss to Humanity! I have never known a kinder, gentler person than Ragu. May his soul rest in peace.
If one day you will want to see Dr Ragu Anns again, do not look anywhere because you will never find him. If one day you will miss him, search in your heart, there you can feel him, be with him and...