Late Alfred Mathuranayagam Brodie
- 07 MAR 2021
Our Deepest Sympathies
Late Alfred Mathuranayagam Brodie
Our sincere condolences for his family. Master Brodie was a great man! All the memories we had with him are important. It is so sad to hear the news. But one can understand, he did not go away. He is still in our hearts. He became a shining star. He can be in peace and one hope that, wherever he is, he will always bless and protect them. Moreover wherever he is, he will encourage his family members in all their actions. Our compassion to his family From His student Vairam from Jaffna college & his family ( France)

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A great teacher , excellent sportsman and coach , with a friendly disposition and infectious sense of humour. Farewell sir. You have played a long innings with stylish strokes all round the wicket...