Late Vijayanathan Cumarasamy
Alumni of Jaffna Central College, Graduate from the University of Ceylon, Colombo and Post-graduate from Netherlands. Ceylon Administrative Services (CAS), Director at the Industrial Development Board, and Retired UN Diplomat/Economist
Age 94
Viji Patta thank you for being a wise man and a great brother to my Thatha, Ram Cumarasamy. Some of my fondest memories were listening in on the conversations you both would have. Seeing you again in London a few years ago was one of my highlights of my Study Abroad. I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful role model in my life. May God Bless Your Soul.
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Dearest Viji mama Who really cared, who was interested in the well being of everyone in the family. Who was ready to listen about the present and to share memories of the past. I really enjoyed...