Dearest Viji mama, your love and compassion for us leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by your acts of kindness & words of wisdom. Prahalathan & Parthibhan will walk in your footprint and carry your legacy Gita’s words “ Viji mama used to bring me pens when we were living on 1st Lane, Ratmalana, from his travels with the UN. These were treasures to me. I was also inspired by him with his work in the UN even back then when I was probably aged between 6-8”. Sanju says “Viji mama is one of the most gentle humans I have ever met in my life”. Rest in peace in the arms of your beloved Narayana. Siva, Sivaram, Nihara & family.

Dearest Viji mama Who really cared, who was interested in the well being of everyone in the family. Who was ready to listen about the present and to share memories of the past. I really enjoyed...