Mr Viji Cumarasamy, popularly known as Mr Cum/Uncle Cum by the members of my household was my Mentor, Elder Brother, Friend. I first came to know him in 1972 when I joined the Industrial Development Board, where I had to report to him. Ever since then he has become so close, not only to me but to every member of my family. In fact we regard him as part of our family. His demise is a great loss not only to his family but to everyone who knew him. May God's soothing hands be upon Prahalathan, Parthiban and other members of his family at this time of gray period of their lives. We thank God for the wonderful life of Mr Cum and bringing him so close to us!
Dearest Viji mama Who really cared, who was interested in the well being of everyone in the family. Who was ready to listen about the present and to share memories of the past. I really enjoyed...