
பிறப்பு 01 AUG 1943
இறப்பு 11 JUL 2021
அமரர் தில்லையர் தர்மகுலசிங்கம்
Retired Chartered Civil Engineer and Former student of Union College-Tellippalai
வயது 77
அமரர் தில்லையர் தர்மகுலசிங்கம் 1943 - 2021 தெல்லிப்பழை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Sithappa was a person who I called sithappa but as I was growing up, he was like another dad to me. He helped us financially and was great moral support. He would give us money every month when I was living in Sri Lanka. He was an honest, caring and very well educated person. He was a very family oriented person and loved to help others out whether it was raising money for charity or helping others when asked. Without people asking him to help, he would sense it and do what he does best. His family have come out to be amazing people just like the person he was. We will really miss him. He will always stay in our hearts.
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