
பிறப்பு 01 AUG 1943
இறப்பு 11 JUL 2021
அமரர் தில்லையர் தர்மகுலசிங்கம்
Retired Chartered Civil Engineer and Former student of Union College-Tellippalai
வயது 77
அமரர் தில்லையர் தர்மகுலசிங்கம் 1943 - 2021 தெல்லிப்பழை, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Thilliar Varnakulasingham 16 JUL 2021 New Zealand

My brother , who was a gentleman to the core, was an embodiment of honesty, integrity, fair-play, justice and tolerance. His knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom in many areas of learning enthralled, entranced and mesmerised even scholars, academics and learned people. The adage :Nallathoru Kudumbam, Palkalai Kazhagam" is aptly applicable to my brother and family for he gave the necessary help, guidance, training and coaching to his children as well as to many others to be useful citizens. His love for the family is immeasurable, incalculable and inestimable. His affection and respect for for his brothers and sisters were so great that he went out of the way to help them with financial assistance, support, advice, guidance and solution. Besides leading a simple life, he was charitable, humane, benevolent and helpful. He would be remembered forever. -Varnu & Family