
பிறப்பு 20 MAY 1963
இறப்பு 17 OCT 2020
அமரர் சிவாகரன் வைரவமூர்த்தி
வயது 57
அமரர் சிவாகரன் வைரவமூர்த்தி 1963 - 2020 அளவெட்டி வடக்கு, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka

கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி

Kishen Gohil 23 OCT 2020 United States

It is with a sad heart I read the passing of Siva, and so soon after his brother. I met Siva when I first moved to Raynes Park. Having just having moved there. He was at the bus stop with a friend. I had come out of the news agents, and walking home, had no friends. I knew nothing about the area, or what to expect. He came over with this beaming smile and chatty personality out of the blue. Yes- that’s what I remember best; he had this happy demeanor about him, innocently asked me all these questions about culture, my interests, music- at the time he loved Jimmy Hendrix. I had never heard anyone talk like that, it was fun and inspiring, and respite from a dull day. It was like he had a confidence and wisdom of a ‘older brother’ to look up to; and then suddenly vanished just like that. I met the rest of the bothers and family slowly later. remember father always telling everyone to “study please!”. Mum and grandma were busy tending to the house. Even though I couldn’t speak the language, giving me kindness and warmth of heart. Siva’s voice would be in the background filling the busy family hubbub as the older brother; it was a happy house full of life. I will also remember with fondness the times we all got together and messed around playing cricket, family holiday day-trips, at the hall in Wimbledon Park with other friends. He always had a zest for life’s spirit, and love for his siblings, engaging in lively banter passionately about life. His life was vivid and eventful, and blessed with personality and big heart, something I’m sure he has left within his children, and family as his positive legacy. May his spirit free, released of the hardships of this world. May Prabhar and your other loved ones that went before him meet him to enjoy eternity. As our Hindu faith teaches us, our body is just a shell that holds a forever growing soul that looks for its final resting place beside the comfort of our great creator. Om Shanti