
அன்னை மடியில் 30 DEC 1933
இறைவன் அடியில் 05 MAR 2023
அமரர் புஸ்பவதி குமாரசாமி 1933 - 2023 அநுராதபுரம், Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
கண்ணீர் அஞ்சலி
Rest in Peace
Late Puspavathy Kumaraswamy
1933 - 2023

One language is not enough to write me about you. Every second of my life runs through your love. My blood was filled with your life, not with the food. how can i forget Motherly love is above everything in the world. No one can imagine life without motherly love. I call recalling the whole past life at once. see how you have cared for me during past beautiful lives that clot on your heart. My spirit is enriched by your whole soul. That's because I live on this planet. before you leave your soul transcend everything to my heart and mind. I firmly believe that every step i forward to the future success through your blessings. your ever loving son Ravi your ever loving son

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