Rest in Peace Pushpaharan...My dearest classmate .....with your muschievous humour , you always made everyone laugh . You were always there for others ....Our last meeting at the 2015 Reunion , you were still the same person....with that humour that was hall mark and the practical jokes ...We will miss you very much as we get together for another Reunion this year, as most of us turn 60....You will forever remain 59 .....and will forever be in our thoughts....a wonderful Class mate and friend, whom we all dearly loved and meeting every few years, it was as if we were never apart....we are all saddened that we will not be catching up again to share the updates, refresh old memories, share jokes and play practical jokes on an unsuspecting guy......May god grant you Eternal peace my friend....Our lives were made better by knowing you and sharing memories with you

Our thoughts and prayers are with their family during this difficult time. Great loss. Om shanthi.